
How Does the James Webb Space Telescope Work? [VIDEO]

Dangerman12/27/2021 6:22:21 am PST

re: #184 Targetpractice

It’s been my belief for the longest time now that assholes in charge at the time expected everything to be “over” by August 2020. That COVID would run rampant over the summer months in “blue” cities and states and then burn itself out as people went back into the semi-isolation of the fall/winter months. Too many of them bought their own bullshit that it was a “mild” disease that’s “no different from the flu” and assumed that it would operate by the exact same mechanics.

the problem now is they’ve really morphed into a lunatic position from which there is no going back - also

Various high-profile MAGAworld figures have attacked Trump now. “Stop the steal” organizer Ali Alexander wrote: “Trump, stop. Just stop. Have your position (backed by Fauci) and allow us to have ours (which is backed by science).” Alex Jones was less generous. He said: “Hell, we’re fighting Bill Gates and Fauci and Biden and the New World Order and Psaki and the Davos Group. And now we’ve got Trump on their team!” Ron Watkins, a prominent QAnoner, said the shots were “subscription suicide shots.

Yesterday, Anthony Fauci told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he was stunned that Trump was booed for recommending that everyone get vaccinated. Fauci said he didn’t realize how ingrained the opposition to vaccines was with Trump’s supporters. However, he hopes that Trump continues to advocate for vaccinations.