
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap

BeenHereAwhile6/20/2024 7:18:14 am PDT

re: #49 mmmirele

Just a reminder, the Nicene Creed was proposed as a statement of faith at last week’s Southern Baptist Convention. It never came up for a vote, in part because Baptists have historically been anti-creedal. And because there are more than a few Baptist pastors who hold a view of the Trinity that is sub-Arian (the whole reason for the Nicene Creed in the first place). Explaining this would take a long time, but Jesus has to be subordinate to the Father, and because of that, women have to be subordinate to men.

I wish I was kidding. I am not.

When i was attending [Episcopal] church services, i always preferred the recitation of the Apostles Creed, as opposed to the Nicene Creed (was unable to discern reason for the choice by the priest) as it was shorter and the services were be over sooner.