
'Proud Racist' Threatened to Blow Up Mosques

ladycatnip5/02/2009 10:25:19 am PDT

#83 Sharmuta

What a load of crap. The vast majority of the victims of islamic violence are other muslims.

It depends upon the continent. In Africa and parts of Indonesia, fundamentalist muslims terrorize, enslave and kill non-muslims who are mostly Christian. Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, and Nigeria are especially difficult places to live if you’re non-muslim. Obviously in the ME it’s muslim-on-muslim because of tribal hatreds, but non-muslims are targeted as well - which is why they have the three tenets - convert, submit or die. The fundamentalists are the problem, as they only want power; I read a great book by William O. Levy, The Bible or the Axe, which recounts his experiences in the Sudan. Excellent book and not bitter about his torture and abuse by radical islamists.

It was interesting in Levy’s biography he makes an interesting point that when Britain occupied the Sudan there was law and order; when Britain left, the vacuum left was filled with power-hungry radical islamists.