
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

realwest5/26/2009 10:07:59 am PDT

Eisenhower picked Earl Warren a three time Governor of California and that state’s attorney general for Chief Justice of SCOTUS because his whole life, Warren was a rock-hard conservative.
To Ike’s dismay (and the dismay of many associate Justices of the SCOTUS) Chief Justice Earl Warren led THE MOST LIBERAL/LEFT Supreme Court in US History.
What she has said and done before is not exactly a predictor of what she will say and do as a Justice of the Supreme Court.
And, for all of you who’ve missed the news, the Democrats now run America. For better or worse, as with the economy and foreign affairs, this pick is on them.
I hope that she and the entire Supreme Court of the United States will only interpret the Constitution where there is any ambiguity in it’s language. If some folks think the Constitution should be changed, there are mechanisms in place to do that and it doesn’t involve the Supreme Court; it is, one way or the other, the province of American Voters.