
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

Bagua10/20/2009 7:01:45 pm PDT

re: #181 pdc_lgf

So far this has been science-light and insult-heavy.

I was in academia for a while. I still do look at peer-reviewed stuff, still, as an engineer. Peer review is necessary and not sufficient as a means of quality control. There is no doubt that the processes warrant criticism.

Maybe this isn’t a place to discuss science. There are persons of good faith endowed with enormous knowledge, with various points of view on this topic.
One would never deduce this by looking at the argument-by-insult tactics deployed here.

When I had the opportunity to register here, I agreed to “play nice.” What I’m seeing here is an abrogation of that promise.

I agree strongly, which is why I am calling Ludwig on this. This is a regular occurrence with him, and him uniquely. Virtually every other poster on this blog is civil when they disagree, only Ludwig relies on insults and personal attacks as a regular tactic.