
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Shuts

Jeff In Ohio4/12/2010 11:52:59 am PDT

Important questions for the newbies:
Paper or plastic?
Supersize your fires?
What’s that thing in the Guinness draft can?
Spit or gel?
Wax or, um, wax?
Have you ever seen two worms copulating?
You spent the evening eating mushrooms and smoking pot. Your really fucking high. Your host offers you a 1/4 filled mason jar of moonshine. Should you

a. except, knowing he will be most pleased, but ignore it once in your possession?
b. make an excuse that your really high, and shouldn’t?
c. realize your already really fucking high and get on with the death march?

Failing this simple quiz will put Liberals in the closet with the AM Crew or Conservatives at the dinner table with the overnight crew.