
AFA Spokesman Bryan Fischer: Letting House Burn Down Was 'The Christian Thing To Do'

funky chicken10/07/2010 11:54:06 am PDT

Jeb Bush and Randall Terry:

What a difference term limits make! These days, it’s Extreme Makeover/Governor Edition. In the fizzling days of his fiefdom, the guv is flip-flopping away, beating around the bush, backstabbing the ultra-conservatives who were there for him when he needed them.
In an about-face that would have been unthinkable if he still had to face voters, the new, homogenized, pasteurized Jeb Bush has endorsed state Sen. Jim King against Randall Terry, the anti-abortion-extremist-turned-Terri-Schiavo-champion.
Terry vowed to drum King out of office for, in his view, letting Terri Schiavo die. (King supported the first “Terri’s Law,” to keep the young woman on a feeding tube. But, after it was declared unconstitutional, he not only refused to back the governor’s second version, but called his initial vote “one of the worst” of his career.)

Jeb has chosen to overlook King’s disloyalty to him at the end of the Schiavo struggle, emphasizing his early support. But he’s blasted Terry, saying he “made no positive contribution … to the issues related to Terri Schiavo,” and calling him “a hindrance in our efforts to save this woman’s life.”
But on his Society for Truth and Justice Web site, Terry quotes Bob Schindler, Terri’s father, saying that “Randall helped us meet with Governor Bush, which gave us the momentum to pass [the first Terri’s] law.”

If Jeb Bush could really look at himself in the mirror, he’d see that he is Randall Terry and Randall Terry is he…

Terry’s renewed celebrity is a byproduct of the governor’s having opened a Pandora’s lunchbox, pandering to the radical right for his personal political gain. The rabid activist and his Operation Rescue had been discredited and had fallen off the radar screen — until the governor put him in the limelight when he turned the fate of Terri Schiavo into a three-ring circus. During all that time, he never uttered a peep against the extremists, never publicly called upon Terry and others to tone down their rhetoric. Nor did he modulate his own, until now.

A lot of folks think I’m being unfair when I blame Bush/Rove for bringing these nuts into GOP leadership positions. Shrug. I think the facts speak for themselves.