
Deniers' Review Supports Scientific Consensus on Global Warming - Right Wing Sad

Targetpractice4/04/2011 1:58:47 pm PDT

re: #178 Cheechako

The winner of the 2012 Presidential election will be determined by the Republican primaries. If the Tea Party manages to come out in force in the primaries and manage to nominate one of their own, the Independents and Democrats will give President Obama a landslide win.

Like I’ve said before, the GOP is in the piss-poor position of having candidates who could win the primaries but never win the general, while the ones who could win the general won’t make it through the primaries. Look for a schism in the wake of this election, as the leadership finally comes to terms with the reality that the “Tea Party” far-right are a millstone around their necks, not a means of returning to the White House.