
Video: First Lady Michelle Obama's Remarks at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

The Ghost of a Flea9/05/2012 1:10:36 pm PDT

re: #177 engineer cat

have you read The Third Reich In Power?

it’s beneficial to take advantage of somebody who’s done the spadework so that they are able to describe the economic policies of the third reich in detail

I’m amazed at the success of Goldberg’s meme.

It just shows that for all the name-dropping of Nazis and their role as boogeymen of history, people don’t bother to look at what their actual political philosophy was, or how they achieved the position they did.

Mind you, there’s the same problem with Adolf Hitler as an individual. His mythos has blotted out his reality. Look at bullshit claims like “Hitler was a vegetarian” or “He was angry because he was part Jewish.” Their persistence and strength is scary.