
Overnight Video: Love Letter to Plywood

Targetpractice11/27/2012 7:00:13 am PST

There’s a certain sort of joy in watching your enemy destroy himself before you very eyes:

RINO Hunters Fire Warning Shots At Republican Senate Candidates

After two disappointing election cycles, Republican leaders demanded that conservative groups end their war on electable primary candidates or risk handing the Senate to the Democrats in 2014. This week, the groups delivered their reply: “Nuts!”

Activists on the right launched a volley of criticism at 2014’s first major Senate hopeful on Monday, Rep. Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV). Capito is considered a strong contender for the seat held by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), especially if he decides to retire, but her conservative detractors are demanding a purer candidate.