
Jim Hoft's Inadvertent Comedy of the Day: Obama Flips Chuck Todd the Bird!

lawhawk3/21/2013 7:35:31 am PDT

re: #173 Gus

How often was she and the rest of the right wing nutters complaining that Obama hasn’t gone to Israel or is burning Israel as an ally or screwing up the relationship between Israel and the US? Too often to count, that’s for sure.

Now, she’s bitching that the President shouldnt’ have gone? Why?

Because Obama has shot down the preposterous notion that the relationship between the US and Israel was bad or that Obama and Bibi could actually get along nicely. That’s why.

Obama’s Israel policy has been a continuation of longstanding US policy towards Israel. It hasn’t changed. He’s not forcing the sides into talks and he’s not demanding conferences or summits. Obama recognizes that there are those in the PA that don’t want peace with Israel - Hamas for one. Today’s rocket attacks reinforce that.

It’s why yesterday’s friendly banter and speech was taken as a surprise by right wing observers - they bought into the notion that Obama wasn’t an Israel supporter, when he’s been just that all along.