
Dave Brat's Batshit Wingnut Twitter Feed

Lidane6/10/2014 8:36:44 pm PDT

Freepers are reacting as you’d expect:


Victory is sweet. This truly was as major upset. Outspent something like 8 to 1. Bye bye Cantor, and any hope of an amnesty putszch before 2016

This has the GOPe’s pro amnesty goons soiling their drawers.

Someone invite Eric out for a spot of Tea!

Message to the Republican Party …. If you push amnesty your party will cease to exist…..

I was sitting here trying to remember how long it has been since I have heard any kind of good political news… I can’t even remember!

Probably Gore giving up his challenge to Bush…

But then Bush was Gore light.

Yes, this is for real. Not enough of Eric’s illegal alien friends turned out to vote for him today. He forgot — they only vote Democrat.

I’m praying that the GOPe realizes that this is a battle cry that the people of America are not going to be invaded by another country and sit by twiddling their thumbs.

If they are smart they will realize that if they bring in D Senators who will invite this illegal invasion, they will literally be inviting war to these shores. If they choose to be King George in response to the Tea Party then they better think long and hard over what that really means. We’ve traveled the King George v Tea Party road once before…

I think we need to cordially but firmly communicate to the GOPe that saving the country is what we all need to pull together to do now - not rub each other’s noses in the dirt. Too much is at stake for one side to gloat and one side to sulk. We HAVE to unite against the enemies waging war on this nation. All the treason by this current regime needs to be clearly and firmly set in front of the faces of the GOPe so they can see what is at stake. That is what we are fighting for, and we all need to never forget it.

Tea party should get to pick the majority leader.