
In Which I Rant About America's Totally Dysfunctional Gun Culture

goddamnedfrank10/20/2014 2:29:29 am PDT

Let’s for a second take the claim that #gamergate “is about ethics in gaming journalism” seriously, at face value. That’s kind of pathetic, right? I mean we’re talking about game reviews, and like movie or any other kind of art reviews that’s a pretty inherently subjective thing. Getting worked up about developers and writers being in bed with each other is lame, it happens, it’s totes fucking ubiquitous. It’s the state of play in the Automobile press, Audiophile mags, Sports coverage, goddamned everywhere. So it wears thin people acting surprised, or pretending that true objectivity is even possible when you’re doing something as meta as writing about media content.

This ain’t Consumer Reports, which presents quantitative data about consoles but tellingly doesn’t touch games because everybody already knows why. If you don’t like the opinions of SJW’s (and seriously, how dismissive is that term) then tune them the fuck out. The individual members of the gaming press, like everybody, have both opinions and assholes. That’s not a scandal.