
The Worst Human Being on Twitter Spews Racist Hate Speech at John Legend

lawhawk2/23/2015 6:33:01 am PST

I didn’t see any of the Academy Awards, nor did I pay any heed to the Twitter feeds covering it. Just not into it. But these are industry awards and the Academy voters clearly have something in mind when they pick the nominees out of the hundreds of movies issued every year, and when they select the actors/actresses, and all the other key awards plus all the technical achievements (SFX, visuals, sound, etc.)

Sometimes the Academy gets it right.

Sometimes, it’s a debatable choice.

Sometimes, you just have to wonder what the Academy was doing when they picked X over Y.

Last night? American Sniper, which had bigger box office than all the other nominees for Best Picture combined, got shut out on all the big awards. I’d say that’s a debatable option.

Eastwood hasn’t been snubbed for his career by a longshot. He’s quite lauded as a filmmaker. Bradley Cooper has come up short several times - all within the past couple of years, but he’s won at the Golden Globes, so it’s not like he isn’t recognized.

Snubbed is saying English Patient was better than Fargo. Snubbed is saying both Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction were not better than Forrest Gump. Or Dances with Wolves were better than GoodFellas.

I guess it comes down to the fact that Sniper had box office, while the others weren’t widely seen. Maybe after seeing them, people will have a different view.

But snubbed? Nope.

If you want to talk snubbed? Talk to Selma. Because that film was snubbed across the board. Hands down. Snubbed.