
Yet Another Horrifying Deluge of Hate Speech and Open Racism at Breitbart "News"

Sionainn, Warrior Mother3/12/2015 5:16:56 pm PDT

re: #167 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing

Indeed. I saw some students’ jaws drop several times (freshmen, sophomores). It should be required viewing in every classroom in the U.S., along with some other films that will knock that “American Exceptionalism” shibboleth down a few notches.

It’s things like that that I will ensure my children see even if they don’t get it in school. When I watched it about a year ago, I decided that it was a little much for a 7 and 9-year-old, but probably within the next year or so, we’ll start watching all sorts of things. My kids will know the history of the U.S., the good and the bad.