
FBI Will Recommend No Indictment for Hillary Clinton

Dr. Matt7/05/2016 11:35:38 am PDT

An Open Letter to Jared Kushner, From One of Your Jewish Employees

Dear Mr. Kushner,

My name is Dana Schwartz and I’m an entertainment writer at The Observer, the paper owned by your publishing company. On July 2, as I’m sure you’re aware (and have probably been wringing your hands about for the last three days), your father-in-law Donald Trump tweeted out an image of Hillary Clinton in front of raining money with a six-sided star declaring she’s the “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!”

I responded to the meme calling out its blatant anti-Semitic imagery because people can play ignorant, blame the corrupt liberal media for trying to “get” Trump, but it takes only a basic knowledge of world history or an understanding of how symbols work to see a wall of cash, a Star of David, and the accusation of corruption and not see the subtext.
