
Election Night Open Thread 4

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/09/2016 2:52:15 am PST

re: #175 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, I’m feeling the same way. My students are in shock, and given Trump’s close ties to Putin, they’re worried what this means for the Czech Republic’s future.

I can’t imagine what the Baltic States must be thinking right now. They’re right in Putin’s crosshairs.

I have only anecdotal evidence, but I get the feeling the young people of China were in Clinton’s court, while the older generation (and especially the Party leaders) were more for Trump. My freshmen anyway understood my mood in that last hour. TBH, I’ve been disappointed by election results before (Reagan, Bush I and II) but not crushed emotionally as I am now. The USA I have grown to appreciate over these last 60 years is, AFAIC, mostly gone. I had hoped the American public would realize what a shyster Trump was and at least not vote for him if they couldn’t bear Clinton, but I should have never underestimated the stupidity of the American voter. They swallowed Trump’s bait hook, line and sinker. I can only hope that sometime within the next year or so they realize what a colossally idiotic choice they made.

And yeah, the eastern European states have the right to be worried. Trump would probably refuse to join with NATO in resisting Russian incursions, even though the USA is bound by treaty to do so.