
Stunning Video Imagery: The Infinite Now

Hecuba's daughter5/13/2017 4:51:36 pm PDT

re: #168 Anymouse

Holy crap. I don’t link to Breitbart, so:
www (dot) breitbart (dot) com/video/2017/05/12/maher-i-want-democrats-to-say-youre-either-with-us-or-with-the-russians/

The article is about Bill Maher, but the comments are what I am pointing to here, such as:
Easy choice. I would choose the Russians over the Democrats in a heartbeat. It’s not the Russians who are trying to destroy America from within.

More at the article not linked above

We may be lost. Trump fans support Russia — and it would not be surprising if many Republican Congressmen and Senators share that view. How can he be impeached if they don’t think that there is a problem even if the allegations are true.