
In Which Donald Trump Attacks Jeff Sessions for Indicting Two Republicans Before Mid-Term Elections

ObserverArt9/03/2018 6:44:10 pm PDT

re: #161 jaunte

Watching Maddow.
Brett Kavanaugh is a real slimy piece of shit.

I saw where my buddy Robby Portman is going to do an introduction of Kavanaugh.

I wrote Robby earlier and got on him for pushing Kavanaugh on us and throwing the court out of balance…not the intention of the forefathers. Also reminded him of the withholding of some Kavanaugh documents and his seemingly being chosen by Trump to be a presidential protector.

CNN - Kavanaugh to be introduced by Republicans Rob Portman and Condoleezza Rice, liberal Lisa Blatt

Washington (CNN)Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will be introduced by Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and liberal lawyer Lisa Blatt at his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing next week.

Portman and Rice both worked with Kavanaugh in George W. Bush’s White House.

Blatt, a former clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wrote an opinion piece in Politico supporting Kavanaugh’s appointment, much the same way that Neal Katyal, who was acting solicitor general under President Barack Obama, supported the nomination of Justice Neil Gorsuch last year.

In her opinion piece earlier this month, titled “I’m a Liberal Feminist Lawyer. Here’s Why Democrats Should Support Judge Kavanaugh,” Blatt called the nominee “supremely qualified” and said that “we all benefit from having smart, qualified and engaged judges on our highest court, regardless of the administration that nominates them.”

The hearing, set to start Sept. 4, is expected to last three or four days, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley previously said.