
Seth Meyers: Trump Lashes Out at Fox and Murdoch Amid Fallout From Shocking Dominion Lawsuit

JC13/03/2023 9:54:29 am PST

re: #181 sagehen

There’s a reason for ATC. There’s a reason why if you’re anywhere near a city, somebody has you on radar and is giving you precise instructions. Why you need to be at least 500 feet horizontally from anybody else, and it’s dangerous to have somebody bigger than you above you that’ll catch you in their wake turbulence.

When too many cars are trying to fill the same few lanes, you just everybody go slow.

All true. In order for this to go mainstream, the vehicles would have to be fully autonomous, restricted to certain altitudes, and restricted from certain areas. And I’m sure that there are a dozen other issues I’m not foreseeing.