
Google and Memorial Day

neomexicon5/24/2009 9:46:32 pm PDT

I typed this up to share with my teenage peers (ingrates) so i thought, why not put it up on my favorite weblog?:

I type this not to try to convince you into making Memorial Day meaningful, rather than just a day off. I type this to express my gratitude to the brave men who have fought back evil wherever it has reared its ugly head in the world.

America’s military has been such a moral weapon. You might find that an oxymoron, but if you’re a Christian, remember that the word of God (bible) is called the “double edged sword”. Put on the armor of God and fight the good fight! Jihad? hell no, it means; defend what is good, fight what is evil. (Temperance, Abolitionist, Invisible Children movements, etc. etc.)

Whoever utters these words sincerely: “Making war for peace is like fucking for virginity” is a person with a broken moral compass. Would you not impose violence on someone shooting at children in order to have peace? Those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind. If your local cities needs a police force to maintain the peace, why not the world. Are there not criminals in government too?

War is all hell, I completely agree. The deaths of children, sons, cousins, fathers, and decent people are terrible beyond description. There are things worth fighting against though, mass child abuse, the dehumanization of all women in a country (burkas), genocide.

In this memorial day I honor our forces and the fallen. They have given blood for foreign people in foreign lands. A quality rarer than diamonds in the bleak history of mankind, that’s darker than the blackest coal.

To anybody who is/has served in our military: THANK YOU, seven times seventy thank yous, God bless you and God bless America.