
Overnight Open Thread

Karridine6/01/2009 2:05:55 am PDT

re: #156 srb1976

SRB, from experience I venture that the health-care providers were ASKING routine, normal questions “Well, are you feeding her enough?” and getting normal answers “Yes, 3 maybe 4 times a day…” but it didn’t occur to them until visit #5 or 6, when they reviewed the records and notes of now-rather-rapidly down-spiralling child’s problems, that they ask “Wait! WHAT are you feeding her? AND NO, ‘a balanced meal’ is NOT adequate. WHAT do you mean, “a balanced meal”?

and at THAT point, they realize they’re dealing with chronic, severe MALnourishment and chronic, severe MAL-informing parents… (Stuckon stupiditis)