
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

3 wood7/05/2009 8:20:23 pm PDT

Speaking of Biden:

Biden: ‘We Misread How Bad the Economy Was’

Biden, in an interview that aired on ABC’s “This Week,” said the 9.5 percent unemployment rate is “much too high.” The administration had predicted unemployment would stay below 8 percent with its stimulus plan.

“The figures we worked off of in January were the consensus figures and most of the blue chip indexes out there,” Biden said. “We misread how bad the economy was, but we are now only about 120 days into the recovery package.”

Joe, you really are a liar and a schmuck.

First, it was the Messiah who was out there saying that this was the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, so how can you now say with a straight face that you misread it.

Second, you never assess the condition of the future economy by looking in the rear view mirror. You look a the numbers to measure past damage yes, but you also do a whole lot of projecting and trending. It’s called “econometrics” and if you knew half as much as you pretend to you would know that.

Then Joe does the obligatory “bame Bush” but also contradicts himself:

He cited the economic conditions inherited from the Bush administration. “It’s now our responsibility. So the second question becomes … is it the right package given the circumstances we’re in? And we believe it is the right package given the circumstances we’re in.”

Uh, Joe? If it’s the “right package” as you say, then you are happy with the 9.5% and growing unemployment, and you did not misread anything.

I love it when Joe gets in front of a microphone.