
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

jbolty11/02/2009 8:42:54 am PST

re: #181 bloodstar

(I’m free-styling this, so I hope it doesn’t come out badly)

My biggest deepest fear all these twists and turns is that we’re finding out that really, the people who are in the extreme right are much more prevalent in the US than we thought. That the moderates aren’t the majority. and that the theocrats and the bigots are much stronger than we thought.

I remember the shock when poll after poll, showed the majority of Republicans either didn’t believe or doubted that Obama was even a US citizen. I keep looking at poll after poll that shows the US just about in last place in understanding Evolution. I’m watching gay marriage look like it’s going to go down in defeat in Maine. It seems like everywhere we turn, the forces of intolerance, bigotry, xenophobia and even hatred are gaining ground, and I feel more and more like we are lonely voices in the wind going, what the Hell is wrong with everyone?

This is why, despite the issues I have with Obama, I’m rooting for him and seeing what more i can do for him. Because if Obama fails, The Republican party can and will gain power over a diminished and weakened America. A radicalized Republican party with too few moderate voices left to keep the intolerance reigned in. A Republican party full of people that will have no hesitation to try to force their values and their morals on to everyone else.

I am afraid for America. I know we’ve survived more and worse than this, but at the same time, that’s no promise that the America I know and love will survive *this* one. And yes, I know It may anger people but I keep being reminded of the quote by Sinclair Lewis, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.”

Came out fine as long as you intended to make the point that those you disagree with are all hate filled ignorant bigots. I assume that was your point.