
GOP Hostage Takers Release New Message

goddamnedfrank10/05/2013 3:00:54 pm PDT

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR.

The CR contains the Republicans’ own budget numbers. Why do you keep ignoring this? The Democrats already conceded to them by not even trying to restore any of the sequester funding.

Boehner refused to appoint a committee for something like half a year, because the Tea Party demanded it. Then, after diggin in on the extortion he tried to appoint negotiators with two hours left before shutdown.

I’m going to say it again, it’s impossible to trust you guys now. Not difficult, impossible, as in can’t happen. You’ve shot your wad, you have no integrity, no character, no honor left. None.

Pass the clean CR that contains your own numbers or fuck off.