
Video: Lawrence O'Donnell Debates Snowden With Steve Clemons and John Schindler

piratedan12/18/2013 8:00:18 am PST

re: #181 lawhawk

And why did it “sour”? Because he wasn’t sufficiently liberal enough. He was too quick to cave to GOP demands, and otherwise sought to govern from the center at a time when the GOP is pushing everything to the hard right.

The President has to govern by catering to more than just the left. He’s got to govern the nation, which means that there’s a wide range of political opinions. By attempting to govern from the middle, he risks losing the left, but they’re not going anywhere else. They can only look to move Obama’s policy positions towards their preferences.

This particular President can only be as liberal as the legislation that gets passed out of Congress allows. Something that many folks forget in their purity purges from the firebagger side. All things considered, as far as moving the needle, social justice for the LGBT folks across all spectrum of America from the military to marriage rights, Obama has been in front of the curve. As far as other liberal policy is concerned, he hasn’t vetoed anything that I am aware of because it’s too liberal. You want more liberal policies enacted, elect more liberals.