
New Bombshell From the Intercept: GCHQ Asked NSA for Something, We Don't Know if They Got It

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing4/30/2014 2:10:42 pm PDT

re: #182 Targetpractice

My understanding is that Sheriff’s Gillespie’s response to the letter was the bureaucratic equivalent of “Fuck off.”

Do you have a link to this anywhere? All I’ve seen is reporting on the original letter.

And, I can’t really blame the Sheriff for not wanting to roll up on this shitshow fail parade expecting to haul away some perps. His department is probably woefully understaffed to do so, not to mention the potential for real ammo flying all over the place.

Edit: This would be a perfect place for the Sheriff to ask for federal or state (national guard) backup to defuse the situation. My guess is he’s biding his time hoping it will all blow over in a couple of weeks.