
Friday Night Reality Jam: Reggie Watts' Amazing TED Talk

kirkspencer5/10/2014 8:51:19 am PDT

re: #166 Mattand

Good. This whole Bundy thing is hitting all of the wrong notes for me:

I’m also convinced that since it’s primarily a Republcian state, everyone GOP official from the governor on down to the local police are dragging their heels due to sympathies with these right wing terrorists.

I hope I’m wrong on this, and I realize you have to go slow since all it takes is one mouth breathing Republcian with an itchy trigger finger to touch all of this off.

It still makes me wonder if any Republicans who are in positions of power (governor, county officials, state troopers, etc.) are going to do their jobs, or will actually go traitor and help Bundy.

And make no mistake: anyone supporting these fuck ups are traitors.

yaknow, I got to wondering the other day about bits and pieces related to this.

Maybe you recall that one of the first comments of a schism over there was when one group, citing intel from a friendly informer in US government ranks, insisted the US was sending a drone. They insisted on leaving.

Now almost all the comments I saw were related to drones used as weapons. But I got to remembering that the primary use of US drones is ISR: Intel, Surveil, and Recon. Really, really good cameras, long loiter times, and difficult to detect.

With that in mind, I’m wondering if there are terabytes of pictures of everyone on the ranch and traffic patterns and all of that.

With that in mind, I’m wondering if the task force to deal with this mess is under high security because there’s a high-level informer who knows when drones are being sent - and there’s a parallel internal investigation to find the mole.

An insurrection is an ugly thing. It needs stopped before it becomes outright rebellion.