
Obama Forms Coalition of Arab States to Take Action Against ISIS, Right Wing (And Greenwald) Confused, Angry

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)9/23/2014 12:19:49 pm PDT

re: #182 CuriousLurker

Welp, about an hour ago I returned home from a doctor’s appointment with my PCP, who happens to be a Muslim immigrant. Just before the appointment was over I mentioned ISIS and how awful their actions are. BIG. MISTAKE.

She calmly informed me with absolute certainty that none of those beheadings are actually happening. It’s all theater, a distraction concocted by the media & ZOG to deflect attention from what Isreal has been doing in Gaza, because it started right after that. I just can’t even…

Um… wut?

Really hurts to see someone in a profession that is supposed to be heavily sunk in the concepts of logic, science, and evidence being completely convinced that certain outlandish conspiracies have to be true since it supports their worldview or particular pet opinion on a certain subject.