
Awesome New Jam From Bokanté: "Nou Tout Sé Yonn"

A Mom Anon5/08/2017 6:23:10 am PDT

Good Morning Lizardfolk.

Things here are slowly better. It’s hard though. I miss my grandkids terribly (my daughter on the other hand, well, not so much. She hates me, but cannot give me a good reason for why), everyone is forbiden from talking to me. I miss my kitty cat (Al was 15 and died from kidney failure on April 5th, 5 days after the kids left) a lot too. So it’s been about 6 weeks since my daughter took her kids and left and we’re still sort of punch drunk. The hardest part is seeing other people enjoy their grandkids and I still have trouble with all the “grandma centered” crap in the stores, I feel like setting those displays on fire. I will never see those kids again, at least not before they are adults and decide they want to see me.

I’m still up to my eyeballs in work and chores and home repairs, so I don’t have time to do much more than read what Charles posts and then a quick skim of comments. And so I am off to catch up on chores and then gardening and yard work await. Sending hugs and birthday wishes and congratulations and whatever else applies. Much love to all of you.