
Sotomayor on Tape

Daria Emmons5/29/2009 2:26:05 pm PDT

re: #185 OldLineTexan

Gellar is not someone whose opinion is very important to me. Blogs in general need salt, just like the MSM.

Anyway, I am not worried about Sotomayor.

I am extremely concerned about other actions from Obama, including, but not limited to: the bloated “Stimulus” budget, which is driving us, inch by inch, towards socialism; the USA joining the Human Rights Council at the UN; Obama basing any action vis a vis Iran on whether or not Israel commits suicide in a “two state” non-solution; Obama pushing for Turkey to have expanded NATO powers and membership in the EU, while denying the Armenian genocide; the shutting down of Gitmo, the desecration of the English language (“man-made disasters” rather than “terrorism” or “jihad”)…

The list goes on. (the above list is only SOME of the actions I am concerned about)

There are so many legitimate problems in the Obama administration…just because he *may* (I emphasize may, because I have not examined Sotomayor’s full record) have nominated an acceptable person for the Supreme Court does not render Obama good.

Everyone has a first amendment right to say whatever they want to say, but when conservatives harp on Sotomayor, that means they are not harping on actions which are real, proven, and downright alarming. I just look at everything as a case of “pick your battles.”