
National Right to Life Committee Claims Health Bill Would 'Subsidize Abortions' - Bzzzt. False.

Salamantis9/22/2009 8:55:02 pm PDT

re: #187 iceweasel

of course you did! I’m sure you recognised the references to Eliot’s Wasteland and Love Song of J Alfred prufrock and Ben Jonson’s “to Celia” I shoehorned into my earlier parody too!

Good luck with your chapbook, keep us posted!

I can’t write poetry and wouldn’t try, but I do love it.

I sure did. But since we’re discussing homages, I’ll post one more poem of mine: a homage to Andrew Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress:

If life could last th’eternal day
And love trap time within its sway
Branding Possum and Pound both liars
By boundless fuel-ed passion-fires
The love’s delay, reluctant, coy
T’would not dismay me to employ.

But time rolls on and youth grows old,
And summer flames bank winter cold,
And at our ends rot dankest graves:
Chance lost to spend the love we’ve saved.
Dead Helen’s skull can move no crowd:
Entombed tumescence stirs no shroud.

So let us chew our halcyon days
With avid mouths, and make them pay
All pleasures we in life are due.
So feast on me, and I on you,
So when our earthly deeds are done,
Our ecstasies shan’t pass unplumbed.