
Video: UN Stunned by British Colonel's Speech

Tom on the rez10/20/2009 8:43:21 pm PDT

Thanks Naso Tang, but Google & Amazon aren’t my friend. Those who want to change my life, and my kids and grandsons’, need to provide the proof. I’m not buying without proof. If not the original data from the weather stations, then I’ll settle for an audit from a Big Four firm. I’m a conservative democrat, like the majority of this country. The burden of proof rests on those who want to change our government and economy. We won’t budge without a very high level of assurance. If it’s not even good enough for the SEC, then it won’t be sold to Main Street, USA.

We don’t need to do the research. AGW theorists need to present clear, credible evidence. The burden of proof lies on those who put forth this new theory of planetary economic reorganization.

Good night, all. I’ll check back tomorrow and see if anyone can point me directly toward the basis of this theory. If you can’t make a clear case for it, I’ll have to wait until someone else does. i.e.: Show me the temps have been increasing; where, when, and who vouches for the data. Otherwise, I drive my truck and ride my motorsickles without a twinge of conscience.