
Overnight Open Thread

sagehen4/28/2010 7:00:57 am PDT

re: #179 SteveMcG

I believe lawful contact in this context means that there is a probable cause for that contact. For example, if a policeman observes a person doing something in plain sight, whether it’s a robbery, selling drugs, etc, he may act. He may not just walk up to you and frisk you for drugs or other contraband. I think the same still holds in AZ. By this “lawful contact” language, I think it means that the officer must have a lawful reason to ask for your id.

Or if you’re mugged and beaten and want to report the crime, you’re expected to identify yourself. So I guess it’s open season on illegal immigrants; break their arms and steal their paychecks and they won’t dare turn you in.

Or if you’re a witness to a crime, they want to know who you are and where they can find you when it’s time to testify. So never mind that a couple of illegal immigrants saw who shot your wife, they don’t dare speak to an officer and give a description of the killer and his car.