
A Note to the Fanatics Who Sent Me Photos of Dead Babies This Morning

Tweety8/07/2010 2:46:59 pm PDT

There are many women who bitterly regret their abortions. Yet I’ve heard people speak of abortion as a “progressive” and “liberal” or “liberating” act. This is bizarre. What could be more regressive than the killing of the unborn - i.e. the denial of the natural progression of life? And how do you “liberate” yourself by destroying another human being in the making?

I’m concerned about the easy road to abortion in many countries in today’s world. (And yes, I know the argument about the dangers of back-street abortions.) But abortion is not the same as having a tooth pulled and it should not be regarded in the same light.

175. Obdicut,

Again, you’re picking away at my comments but you have little or nothing to say about your own take on abortion. Let’s see if you can produce more than one sentence here about abortion without playing amateur psychologist and instantly judging people you know nothing about. In sport, what you are doing is called “playing the man and not the ball.” I switch off the TV when I see too much of that.