
A Security Lapse in Philadelphia

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/10/2010 8:35:06 pm PDT

Into the ever-fraying social fabric of the UK the ID folk have set up shop:

Would you Adam and Eve it? Top scientists tell Scottish pupils: the Bible is true

A new creationist group that preaches the “scientific” theory of intelligent design has set up in Glasgow with the stated aim of promoting its beliefs to schools and colleges.

The Centre for Intelligent Design, headed by a Northern Irish professor of genetics, a vice-president of the Royal College of Physicians and a former school inspector, has already prepared the ground for a clash with authorities.

The group’s director, Dr Alastair Noble, told the Sunday Herald it was “inevitable” the debate would make its way into schools – even though the Scottish Government says teachers should not regard intelligent design as science.

“We are definitely not targeting schools, but that doesn’t mean to say we may not produce resources that go to schools,” Dr Noble said, adding that he had already been asked to speak in Scottish schools, and agreed to do so.

[… (paragraphs highlighting the religious background of those involved)]

Dr Noble denied the theory of intelligent design – that a universal engineer, or god, created the initial spark of life then used physical laws and natural selection to develop it – was religious.


The article writer also doesn’t seem to be aware of ID’s background, given the description in the article.