
Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

Birth Control Works12/15/2011 2:29:01 pm PST

re: #181 kirkspencer

Try this. Make a short list of five women: your mother, sisters, wife if you’re married, aunts, if necessary any cousins, so long as they’re at least 14.

There is a 50% chance at least one of them has been the victim of rape or attempted rape. But I’m not going to ask you to guess. I’m going to be more challenging.

Go ask.

If you really want your balance shifted, ask them about sexual assaults. Not harassment, assault — physical actions with sexual overtones. (grabbing the breasts, goosings, hug-n-rubs,…) If more than one says she never experienced it, it’s a fluke or she’s not willing to tell you the truth. That happens, by the way. After all, the next thing in her experience is ‘blame the victim’.

For the record, my wife, my mother, and my sister have been victims of attempted rapes. I think my mother was actually raped due to the way the story plays but can’t say so for certain. In the case of all three it was a friend or family member. Oh, in all but the case of my wife I didn’t know till I asked. Now that proportion is a bit on the high side. I think. But it certainly colored my perception once I bothered to ask.

I dare ya. Ask.

I think many men would be SHOCKED to know how many married women have sex, not because they want to, but because it’s easier than saying no.

alcohol is often involved.