
President Obama's Gun Control Op-Ed: Now Is the Time

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)1/17/2013 2:22:10 pm PST

re: #187 EPR-radar

Not surprising. That’s why I’ve recommended that gun owners get a better advocacy group in place than the NRA. Reasonable gun owners aren’t going to like the results of a political tug of war between the NRA and those, like me, that are disgusted by the NRA and are steadily becoming more receptive to severe control and/or outright bans in response to NRA nonsense.

Yeah they do. If I were a gunowner, I’d hate the NRA for the image they’re giving of gunowners and gun rights advocates. There’s a way to discuss this issue like an adult without acting like any gun control measure is akin to Nazism and acting like every single tragedy would have been avoided if only someone had a gun. I’d also like them to understand why some of us don’t like guns or don’t want guns and that feeling that way doesn’t make us pussies or any less American. It’s a matter of choice just like owning a gun is.