
Why Did the Military Tell a Special Forces Team Not to Fly to Benghazi? (For Good Reasons)

Blind Frog Belly White5/07/2013 3:00:50 pm PDT

I love how all of the ‘revelations’ that Hicks made, which ‘contradict the CIA’s timeline’ all turn out to be shit.

‘We could have scared them away with a fighter! True, we didn’t have any nearby, nor any way to get them there in a reasonable time, but it would have scared the shit out of them!

“And a Special Forces team were told not to catch a flight to Benghazi! True, there were only four of them, and they only had pistols, and we’d already sent in 7 guys, and 2 of them had been killed before the second plane ever took off, but still!”

Times like this call out for Gertrude Stein - “There is no ‘there’ there.”