
Glenn Beck: The White House Correspondents Dinner Is Like Being "Raped"

NJDhockeyfan5/05/2014 9:23:54 pm PDT

Oh, brother…

The one-page instruction sheet stated: “When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about their actual existence. For example, some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual event, but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain.”

“You will read and discuss multiple, credible articles on this issue, and write an argumentative essay, based upon cited actual textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe this was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain wealth. Remember to address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim,” it continued.

Students were asked to read three articles provided in the assignment, including one that stated, “Even The Diary of Anne Frank is a hoax,” and, “It is time we stop sacrificing America’s welfare for the sake of Israel and spend our hard-earned dollars on Americans.”