
Right Wing Mounts Unprecedented Smear Campaign Against Freed POW

Blind Frog Belly White6/03/2014 12:43:54 pm PDT

re: #172 FemNaziBitch

I could rant about your wife, but I won’t. There have been times in which I was too involved in other matters (having a baby), that I didn’t pay attention and just voted the party line. (Like Clinton’s first bid in which I voted for the other guy *ggt hangs head*.)

Overall, tho I think that delegating one’s vote that way is running from adulthood.

To be fair, it’s a primary election in a state where one party controls the statewide offices and the legislature, in a district where a Republican couldn’t get elected, so it’s largely a formality. BUT, it’s a formality she wants to carry out, rather than blowing off.

So, there’s that.

AND we pretty much agree on everything anyway. She even likes the Challenger, since I bought it in a pretty color.