
New From Keith Olbermann: The Crisis of Trump's Conspiracy Theories

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/08/2017 1:04:41 am PST

re: #188 austin_blue

Well, after listening to that and reading that translation I’m going to walk outside and have a smoke…

OK, back now.

Here’s a question for the Lizards who will read the late night posts.

How can we call our country today a functional Democracy when there is so much hate driving our policy?

Where did we go so wrong?

Well, The Economist has downgraded us to a “flawed democracy.”

Their scale goes from 9-10 (full democracy) to 0-4 (fully authoritarian). They put the USA now at 7-8, just ahead of Mexico.

The chart is a map of the world with their colour-code for each nation.