
Seth Meyers: Trump and His Cronies Have a Plan - to Protect Themselves, Not You, Silly

retired cynic5/08/2020 8:59:46 am PDT

re: #188 Belafon

EXCLUSIVE: Rick Wilson Blasts ‘Typical F*ckery’ After Facebook Slaps Warning Label on Lincoln Project’s Anti-Trump Ad

You can read PolitFact’s analysis for yourself here, but the foundation of their argument is that some of the CARES Act funds did go to small businesses, so therefore saying “Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street” is worthy of a red-light alarm PolitiFact rating of FALSE.

But the ad doesn’t actually claim that small businesses received zero help. Rather, it makes the point that Main Street America is still seriously struggling as the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic continues.

How much you agree or disagree with the ad’s claim likely depends on how much you support or oppose Trump, but the bottom line is that it is a subjective, rather than an objective issue.

After PolitiFact’s rating, Facebook began taking punitive action against the Lincoln Project video, placing warning labels on the video, marking it as “Partly False.”