
Video: Carter Says 'Trust Hamas'

alegrias1/26/2009 2:16:14 pm PST

OT— Spines Sighted Stiffening!

Reasons to Vote Against Stimulus

All House Republicans on the Appropriations Committee voted against the “stimulus bill” reported out of their panel last week. This portion of the stimulus legislation will be combined with the tax provisions (reported from the Ways and Means Committee last week also on a party-line vote, with all Republicans voting “no”) and scheduled for consideration by the full House on Wednesday. Rep. Mark Kirk of Illinois – a Republican member of the Appropriations Committee – prepared an analysis (see below the fold) for his colleagues last week. Looks like the Democrats are using the demand for stimulus to satiate their pent up demand for a lot of new spending unrelated to economic growth.

Arguments like these – from well-respected Republicans like Kirk – are emboldening many in the GOP to vote against this measure, which looks more like a funding platform for Democratic projects than source of economic stimulus.
Continue reading “Reasons to Vote Against Stimulus”
Posted by Gary Andres at