
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

zombie8/15/2009 12:01:49 pm PDT

re: #172 Locker

Don’t know man. You ever have an axe to grind? Something you carry around for a long time then something triggers it and “blam” out it comes. I’ve never said that out loud or in text before and it has pissed me off since it happened.

I really, really, really, REALLY hate someone telling me “you can’t say that, it offends me” and when thousands and thousands of rabid nutbags are screaming that they can and WILL kill me because I said something they don’t like, it pisses me off.

Like I said, nasty flashback and I’m glad it’s out. We’ll now return you to our regularly scheduled Locker.

On the reader response page are many emails from left-wingers all over the world who feel EXACTLY like you do on this issue. I particularly like this from froma guy in Scotland:

—- —- —- —- —-
“From: Gnostic Dave

Brought up a Christian in Scotland, my freedoms have led me to question the “evidence” which every religion cites as their absolute. I mean everyone has their special book bleating on about “the truth”. I see the truth of God’s grace in nature, I feel his love and I believe organised religion has done more damage to people’s quest for this truth.

The demonisation of Islam is being driven by the American imperialistic plutocracy with the help of the illegal Zionist state and Britain. However after reading the intolerant and medieval tirade from most of the Muslims posting on your site, and seeing the BBC programme “What Young Muslims Think,” I suggest that we need to keep tabs on this, yet another evil and controlling religion. In the West we are going through a transition which is uncomfortable and will require people to develop self control and to search for their own spirituality. The evils of religion and crown have been beaten back to an extent over thousands of years of civic strife against a religious power base no one needs.

A warning to all Muslims! You may think we are all weak, but our freedoms were won with blood, and if you intend to force your version of “God’s Law” (your version from your wee book), then you can expect tolerant and peace-loving spiritualistic people like me to fucking hunt you!!”