
Oh Noes! Even Big Bird's Losing It!

sagehen10/02/2009 7:35:03 am PDT

re: #68 imp_62

I’d like to say it is comforting to see others in the same boat as I am. But it isn’t; it’s depressing. But to blame Obama is to ignore the last 15 years of economic policy (democrat and republican) which have been building up to this mess. Obama is simply adding his shovel-load.

Recession started Dec. 2007.
Obama inaugurated Jan 2009.

Obviously, he’s retroactively to blame for it.

And Lehman Brothers purposely went under just to provide an opportunity for McCain to say something abominably stupid six weeks before the election.

(BTW, the stock market has gone up 20% since the inauguration; is that Obama’s doing too? Or is he only responsible for the economic indicators you don’t like?)