
Overnight Ocean Thread

simoom11/01/2009 7:47:19 am PST

I’ve been checking out some of today’s articles on the NY-23 race. I was just reading this one:

Shift in Upstate N.Y. race shows GOP’s split

On the ground in the North Country, local tea-party activists provide the core of Hoffman’s campaign army, augmented by compatriots from as far away as Colorado. But local organizers say they are not pawns of the national debate; rather, they say, people in Upstate New York are fed up with politics as usual.

“We are just the visible face for something much deeper and much less organized,” said William Lamar Wells, an economist and farmer who leads CNY912, which takes its name from the Sept. 12 march on Washington to protest the federal government’s growing role.

“I’ve never seen people so terrified of their government,” Wells said, calling the national debt “a force of physics that is going to catch up to us.”

Kind of trivial, but that bit stood out to me. Any time I see these Tea Party groups with 912 in their names my immediate assumption is that they’re referencing the 9/12 Project. Looking at this group’s site, in this case, that assumption seems to be correct:

New York Glenn Beck “We sourround them” Meetup Group

CNY912 is one of many groups of Americans who wish to restore responsibility and accountability to the leadership of this nation. We work to restore to this REPUBLIC the system of government that is expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The limited form of government as intended by the Founding Fathers is based upon millennia of understanding human nature and upon their faith in the God-given virtues of mankind. These foundational beliefs being represented by the nine principles and twelve values described by the 9/12 project.

So probably just a mistake on that staff writer’s part, though sometimes it seems the media is loathe to acknowledge how much the Tea Party movement is infected with/by Beck.