
Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

allegro8/28/2010 3:01:12 pm PDT

re: #180 Walter L. Newton

ALVEDA KING: Somebody called me, I don’t know if it was yesterday or today, and they said put on the full armor and that’s the helmet of salvation, sword of the spirit, breastplate of righteousness, girdle of truth, sandals of the gospel of peace and the shield of faith. And then hold up the blood stained banner of Jesus, and that banner, his banner over us is love. So, you know, you were saying before, it’s not about hating people, it’s not about being angry, let’s try to communicate, let’s try to be one. You know, it’s not about who goes to which rally or which march today. It’s about unifying ourselves in love, honoring each other. And that’s the main point. So come expecting to honor, to love. To serve. That’s what I want people to do. “

This is pretty much what turned me off of religion as a little kid. All this bloody battle war shit imagery to say it’s about loving each other. Couldn’t buy it then, not buying it now.