
Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

researchok10/17/2010 12:38:59 pm PDT

re: #172 Obdicut

Oh, yeah, that was your point in talking about how the Democrats kept racism alive. Yep.

Hugely disappointed in you for this bullshit today, dude.

You do know, of course, that after the CRA was signed, many of those “Democrats” became Republicans, right?

What bullshit? Rather than rewrite history, we ought to embrace it. There is more power in ‘see how far we have travelled abnd what we have overcome’ than ‘we have been and are always perfect’. That doesn;t carrty quite the same believability.

And clearly, you missed the point.

These discussions aren’t a ‘winner take all’ exercise. I’m not here to beat you over the head over a decades old dem platform- those days are long gone and will never be repeated. racism was not the purview of one party over another. Racism is human condition not a political one. Politicians only exploit that condition.

(and for the record, I enjoy our exchanges, respect you and appreciate your insights. I don’t always agree but I consider yours a most valid voice)

As a nation, we have come a long way and we are not going back. I truly believe that while racism still exists (and always will), it is becoming more and more marginal. As far as I am concerned, those who use racism (as a scare tactic or as a hammer) are exploiting the ugliness for political gain.

There is no moral or social gain to be had by succumbing to racism.