
Crassest Right Wing Blogger of the Day: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

Gus2/04/2011 4:19:53 pm PST

Update on that van that hit 20 to 30 protesters in Egypt:

Officials: Van stolen from U.S. Embassy may have hit Cairo protesters

Washington (CNN) — A white diplomatic van shown plowing into anti-government protesters in Cairo might belong to the United States, officials said, adding that 20 such vehicles have been stolen in Egypt amid the unrest.

The YouTube video, dated January 28, is one of three from recent days showing drivers seemingly purposefully ramming their vehicle into demonstrators in streets that appear to be around Cairo’s Tahrir Square.

The footage caused an uproar online, some of it related to the fact that the van appeared to resemble a U.S. diplomatic vehicle.

“Obviously, we’ve seen some of the reaction on YouTube and other forums, which is why we’re trying to get out and knock this erroneous story down,” U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Friday afternoon.


“Since these vehicles were stolen, we have heard reports of their use in violent and criminal acts,” the statement said, alluding to the possibility that one might be the van shown on the YouTube video. “If true, we deplore these acts and perpetrators.”

The U.S. release added, “We are certain that no embassy employees or diplomats were involved.”